A Gorgeous Villain by Saffron A. Kent EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Saffron A. Kent
- Language: English
- Genre: Friendship Fiction
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 3 MB
- Price: Free
He has beautiful gray eyes, gunmetal gray that sometimes glow in the
So much so that people call them wolf eyes.
His jaw is sharp and angled, a true V, and his skin looks like priceless
marble. Again, so much so that people say he’s got wintry, vampire skin.
They say he’s got magic, dark magic, running through his veins.
If a girl so much as looks into his pretty wolf eyes, no one can save her
from falling for him.
No one can save her from getting her heart broken either.
Because he never falls. He is mighty. Everyone knows that.
He’s a heartbreaker. A player.
People say he doesn’t even have a heart, or if he does, it’s pitch black.
But he knows how to toy with yours.
He knows how to play with it. How to toss it up in the air just for fun
and how to tie it up with strings and play with it like a puppet. And when he
gets bored, he knows how to let it slip through his fingers and drop on the
ground, breaking it into tiny little pieces.
Yet girls can’t help but come back for more. Over and over and over
They can’t help but come back to the Wild Mustang.
Or the Mustang for short.
That’s what people call him. That’s his soccer nickname.
He plays soccer, yeah.
Soccer is quite popular in our town. In fact, he’s the soccer legend of
Bardstown High. And he’s as majestic and magical as an untamed mustang.
As reckless and edgy and completely mesmerizing.
Although I don’t call him that.
The name that I get to call him is something completely different,
something that I’ve come up with after a lot of deliberation and thought: a
That’s what I call him.
A Gorgeous Villain, actually. Because well, he is gorgeous, but he’s a
villain, and I have good reason to believe that.
Four good reasons.
Four overprotective, overbearing, older reasons. My brothers. Who
hate him with all the fire in their hearts.
Well, not all of them hate him with all the fire in their hearts. Only one
of my brothers does, Ledger. The other three just hate him a normal amount.
Why does Ledger hate him the most though?
Because the Gorgeous Villain is Ledger’s soccer rival.
My brother plays soccer too and he’s a legend in himself. They call him
the Angry Thorn, because my brother is a hothead and our last name is
Anyway, they both play for the same team. And should potentially be
friends and have the same agenda.
However, they aren’t–friends, I mean. And they don’t have the same
agenda, at all.
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