Date Week by Ted Fox EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Ted Fox
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 6.8 MB
- Price: Free
Will Easterly was not the kind of guy who spent a day off painting a
room because he was just that handy.
To feel confident and capable as a self-sufficient 34-year-old, one
who might someday prove adept at being responsible for something
more than choosing between Thai and Italian for dinner? Maybe. To
occupy his mind with something other than the major life change on the
horizon that he felt woefully unprepared for?
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And that was how he came to find himself rolling the walls of the
second bedroom in the apartment that third Friday in June. He and his
wife had picked the color together, a shade cheekily named Can of Green
Gables, but the fact that Will was going to have the room done when she
got home from work was a surprise.
Not as big a surprise as seeing that plus sign on the pregnancy test
she had taken three months earlier. But a surprise nonetheless.
Because when it came to making things look good, you usually
wanted Rachel Armas around.
A graphic designer, she worked in the communications unit at a
university, not because she was particularly passionate about higher
education but because the school was near where she grew up outside
Chicago, which meant she could live with her parents that first year after
college to save money before she got her own place. (Will had followed
her to the Windy City another 18 months after that.) Now she had the
combination of earned experience and natural-born talent that could take
her anywhere, and yet she was still designing departmental newsletters
and posters for lectures that would be attended by 10 people.
When the two of them had graduated from the University of
Michigan, Rachel had actually had another offer, a paid internship at an
art gallery in New York City. She had been so excited, and he had been
excited for her—and himself since he had lined up his own internship in
Philadelphia, only a couple of hours away. He had been convinced she
was taking it up to the moment she hadn’t. When he’d asked her why
she’d changed her mind, she’d just brushed it off and said it was too
impractical. Not until they were living together had she told him it had
been her parents who’d talked her out of it and she wished she could do
that decision over.
A philosophy professor told me he needs me to “Photoshop
something that conveys the rationality of belief,” she’d texted Will one
day at lunch a couple of weeks ago. He’d just gotten done talking with
his own boss—Will was one of the main IT people at his company, and
apparently they didn’t teach you how to turn off your vacation out-ofoffice email at CEO school—and he’d responded to Rachel with a GIF
of a cat punching a stuffed tiger repeatedly in the face.
This—this is why I married you, she’d replied. You get me.
So what’re you going to do? Every time they talked about
something like this, he wondered if she was questioning her decision to
play it safe a decade earlier. It pained him to think about it.
Ehh I don’t know. Probably just put some old guy under a
tree looking depressed.
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