Dead of Summer by AJ Merlin EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: AJ Merlin
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 7.8 MB
- Price: Free
“It’s going to be different this year.” I watch lazily as Kinsley takes a
long draw of the vape she never goes anywhere without, then take it
when she offers it to me. Her lazy smile is enough for me to know it
isn’t some of her low-key shit, and I’m a little more careful than usual as I
suck in a pull from the container.
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“How’s that?” I ask, drawing one knee up to my chest and toss it back
her way. “You going to fulfill your spiciest, romantic dreams with Liza this
year?” Liza, the gorgeous camp nurse who has never, not once, given my
friend more than a raging crush on her by just breathing and looking pretty.
Kins’ smile widens. “Absolutely. And we’re going to get you some
summer love too. How’s that sound?” Her tolerance is much higher than
mine, and she breathes in from the vape one more time before stuffing it in
the pocket of her camp-issued shorts. That, plus the bright purple t-shirt
with its gaudy white letters printed on the front, proclaim her and I both as
camp counselors for Camp Crestview.
I’ve always thought our outfits feel too eighties. I’m sure some parents
think so, and we’re lucky the kids are too young to remember any campy
summer movies from that time period. Otherwise, they’d do worse than turn
a deaf ear to our directions or kick us in the shins.
“Summer love?” I snort. “What are we, in some cheesy romance movie?
Will we both fall in love and go home, only to think we’ll never see our
new loves again?”
“Yep.” Kinsley gets to her feet, pulling her hair back into a high
ponytail before dragging me up off the floor of the counselor building.
We’re definitely not supposed to be smoking anywhere on camp grounds,
but this is the safest place to do it. Here, at least, the kids know they can’t
enter, so we’re left alone, for the most part. And we’re certainly not the only
ones who’ve brought what our boss would label ‘contraband’ to camp.
“And then that’s when act two starts, and our summer flings show up at our
high school.”
“Shame we aren’t in high school anymore,” I remark offhandedly. “Do
we need to, I don’t know”—I shoulder the door open, and when she steps
out behind me to let it close, I hear it click locked once more—“form a
gang? With matching jackets?”
A voice calls out to both of us, prompting us to glance up toward the
drop off area. It’s packed with parents giving their kids a last hug, or trying
to shoo them away from the car so their mom or dad can leave and have a
ten day break from their little gremlins.
Working as a camp counselor has been eye-opening when it comes to
Namely, how much I don’t want any of my own.
A woman with dark red hair and a heavily made-up face smiles at both
of us as she waves fervently from across the gravel parking lot. Mrs. Stern,
in her too-fancy outfit and her staggeringly expensive car, has made an
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