- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Hannah Henry
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 4.4 MB
- Price: Free
“ARE you going full bridezilla on me?” Cole Fawn asked, watching his
friend Matthew pace his living room. Normally he loved hanging out in
Matthew’s fancy rich-person apartment—the beverage fridge alone was
worth the bike ride over to Matthew’s neighborhood—but the wedding was
a week away, and Matthew looked like he was about to melt down. Cole
sipped his prebiotic soda and swept his black hair out of his face. He’d
never have hair as long as Matthew’s auburn waves, but it was enough to
get in his eyes.
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“The wedding planner has pretty much every detail locked down.
There’s nothing more that I have control over to fuss with. It’s…guest
“No more floral arrangement drama?” Cole remembered an entire shift
at Caring Cuisine, the meal-delivery charity they both worked at, where
Matthew complained about in-season flowers while chopping fifty pounds
of onions. Tears were involved. Cole didn’t know how many were onion
“I have two lingering things that will either be totally fine, or a
complete mess.”
“Your dad?” Cole guessed. He had witnessed the month-long decisionmaking process when Matthew chose to protect his peace and not invite his
dad to his big day. His dad who used to be his fiancé’s hockey coach, who’d
traded him across the continent when he’d found out that Matthew and
Blake were dating. Still, in that kind of situation, the feelings haunt you
either way, regardless of the presence of the person who stresses you out.
“I don’t think he’ll randomly show up. But I invited my older brothers,
and I don’t doubt they would tell him the details if he asked. Blake hired a
security guard, and he’ll have a photo of my dad, but I don’t want it to come
to that.”
“Blake loves you one hell of a lot,” Cole said. He loved hearing about
Matthew’s doting fiancé. Imagine meeting a fucking hot professional
hockey player who decides that his universe revolves around you?
Matthew blushed thinking about the man he was about to marry. Cole
wasn’t a romantic by any stretch of the imagination, but seeing Matthew
and Blake together made him realize why someone might want to get
“That’s not the only thing you’re worried about, though.”
“I know this makes me a bitch, and Blake is absolutely one hundred
percent sure it’s not going to be an issue, but I’m worried about Brady.”
“Which one is he?”
“The other Whales goalie. The one I always get a vibe from. Like he
hates me because he wants Blake. Blake is convinced he’s straight. I don’t
think he’s about to steal my man, but…I don’t know. I keep thinking he’s
going to do something a little too attention grabbing when he’s drunk.”
“He seemed grumpy at the bachelor party.”
“He didn’t want me to be there,” Matthew complained. “He wanted
Blake to himself. It’s always like that when he’s around. I like all of Blake’s
other teammates, but of course, the one who wants to spend the most time
with Blake is the one who always shoots me dirty looks.”
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