Not So Best Wishes by Clio Evans EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available For Free Download
- Author: Clio Evans
- Language: English
- Genre: Paranormal Erotica
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
badged through the security gate and went straight to the elevator.
This morning had been shit. Every single thing that could go wrong on a
Monday morning had gone wrong.
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My dryer had gone out, so my clothes were slightly damp. I’d hit every
red light on my drive and spilled my iced latte on my front seat. If I didn’t
know any better, I would say that someone had cursed me— but cursing a
demon was damn near impossible.
The elevator doors slid open, and I stepped in, melting against the wall.
They were about to close, but a foot parted them, and someone stepped in.
Damn it. I really wanted to be alone right now.
I looked up at them and realized they were a witch. One I had never
seen before.
Heat rose in my cheeks. They exuded the type of sexual energy I would
want to climb them for.
They wore a navy blue suit with a black tie and undershirt, their
Oxfords glossy in the yellow lighting. Their hair was short and jet black,
eyes fully black with violet irises. A silver earring glinted in their right ear
as they chose their spot in the elevator.
There was a hum of magic bleeding from them, an aura of energy that
made me both nervous and want to step closer.
Damn it. It was too early to be in the elevator with someone this pretty.
I looked down at my nails, pretending to check out the glossy black
Most creatures thought of me as less of a monster because I was part fae
and part demon. I leaned more into my demonic side, but I had a dainty
appearance that some mistook for ‘not monster enough’. They didn’t know
I could get into their minds if I wanted. I was very good at luring those
around me into my circle so I could rip off their heads if I desired.
If I ever started singing some of the hymns I knew from my family, hell
would rip open just for me.
They barely spared me a glance, and I straightened, happy to ignore
them. Today was not the day for me, and I didn’t want to fight with this
Especially after the last few weeks.
About three weeks ago, the company I worked for merged with another.
Claws Inc. became Warts & Claws Inc., and the first week had been hell. I
dealt with a crazy HR rep that tried to break into my mind, while my
coworker’s lives had been threatened.
The good news was the last week had settled down. Monsters and
witches were working well enough, and the boss upstairs was at least
The elevator doors were about to shut again when a pair of claws parted
“For fuck’s sake,” I hissed.
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