November by Sybil Bartel EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Sybil Bartel
- Language: English
- Genre: Romance in Uniform
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
The Hunter
Headquarters Air Force, the Pentagon.
Arlington, VA
Deputy Commander Bradley looked over my shoulder at my monitors.
“You find them yet?”
Switching screens, I lied. “No, sir.”
“Keep looking. They were heading somewhere when they left Havana
Bay on that boat three months ago. At this point, get the Coast Guard
involved if you have to. They’ve been off our radar too damn long, and
Cuba is the closest they’ve come to U.S. soil. I don’t like the optics on this
one, and I sure as hell don’t want it coming to a head under my command.
The sooner we zero in on them, the better.”
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“Yes, sir.”
He glanced at his watch. “I’m stepping out. Unless they land on our
banks or the situation escalates, debrief tomorrow at oh seven hundred.
When Perkins comes in, download everything you chased today and let him
know we’ve got a change in mission status that came down at sixteen
hundred hours.”
“Copy, sir.”
The Deputy Commander lowered his voice. “We’ve got a lot of
brainpower in this room, but you’re the best I’ve got. Find those Russian
cyber terrorists. They need to be eliminated.”
“And the female, sir?”
“I don’t care if she’s the brainchild of their operation or collateral
damage. Once we get a lock on their location, we have our orders.”
My jaw ticked. “With all due respect, sir, she could be a source of intel.”
“If POTUS wanted profilers, he would’ve called the FBI. This is U.S.
Cyber Command. We’re not fucking babysitters.”
“Mission stands. Lock-in and eliminate. We’ve already traced all known
associates, and these four men are the nucleus of their cell. Our job isn’t to
detain. Once we find them, we send in a drone. If we can’t narrow the field,
or there’s risk of U.S. civilian collateral, then we know who to call.”
“Understood, sir.”
“You better. We’re disabling this threat. You have your orders.” The
Deputy Commander leveled me with a warning look. Then he strode out of
the command center.
Toggling back to the screen I was on when the Deputy Commander had
walked up, I stared at the lines of code I’d found with two hidden words
embedded in them. Two words I hadn’t seen together since I was eighteen
years old, but ones that had come up three months ago. I read them again.
Check mate.
Thirteen years ago, those same two words, embedded deep within code,
had spurred me to hit the final keystroke and breach the NSA’s firewall.
Nineteen hours later, five armed men kicked down my door and I was given
a choice. Jail or the Air Force. I chose the latter, and the hacker with the
two-word signature had dropped off the radar.
Until three months ago.
I’d discovered the signature the day I found the terrorist cell in Cuba.
The same day the four armed terrorists boarded a forty-six-foot, 1975
Bertram sport fishing boat named the Nalleli Rose in Cuba.
The day I first saw her.
Pulling up her image, I stared.
Black hair, teal-blue eyes, she was beautiful.
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