The Southern Thirst Trap by (SOUTHERN GODS #3) Adrian R. Hale EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Adrian R. Hale
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
“We’re approaching fourteen thousand feet. Time to fly, Javi,” I yell over
the roar of the wind through the open door. I glance once more out at the
impossible nothingness of sky stretching as far as I can see, and finally the
pale glimpse of land far below.
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“Are you sure this is how you want to start, and possibly end, your day?” he
yells, as he attempts to loosen his death grip on the door handle.
“Ten grand says I’ll have the softer landing,” I toss back at his tightly set
face before spreading my arms wide to fall backward into the open expanse
that becomes rushing wind as gravity grabs a hold of me. I see Javi’s mouth
move in what has to be a curse at my expense and jerkily follow me out of
the airplane before I’m too far away.
I barrel roll onto my stomach, the wind buffeting against my body, arms
and legs spread wide. There is nothing like these few moments of
unobstructed falling through the sky to wake you up and remind you that
you’re mortal. Not even a beautiful woman gets me this high or has the
blood pounding through my veins in a shockingly intense rhythm.
Well, there was one woman who had an even greater effect, but I push
that intrusive thought back into the vault where it belongs. I don’t think
about her, especially not when I’m already free-falling out of the sky. She’s
just as likely to get me killed as she is to save me if I start thinking about
her now.
I tuck my arms and legs close against my body and rocket downward, a
quick set of somersaults sufficiently setting my head spinning and
thoroughly removing all thoughts of women, even that one specific woman,
from my mind.
My face cracks into a grin against the blast of wind in my face, arms and
legs spreading back out as I check the altimeter on my wrist. A quick tug to
the cord at my side to open my chute as the ground rushes up towards me is
all that is needed to stop the perilous plunge. My body jerks upwards
momentarily, the canopy ballooning above me, and the sudden quiet is a
shocking difference from the howling wind that had blocked out all sound.
All thoughts are pushed from my mind other than surviving… and maybe
an errant thought of she-who-must-not-be-named.
My head has been caught up in too much lately. I needed to abandon all
thoughts of work and focus on what really matters for a moment. Falling
out of the sky is a great way to put everything into perspective. Nothing but
my gauges and the canopy above me working as it should have my focus
I keep my eyes trained below, pulling on my hand controls to angle me
toward the verdant field still thousands of feet below. A glance over my
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