A Dream of Daisies by Lemi Young EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Lemi Young
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
Chamomile Greenthroat enjoyed life.
On Firstdays he helped old Lyesmith do his
shopping and cleaning, as well as poor Maggie
Brownbird, whose health was not good and whose
husband traveled. One week of the month he kept the
counter at Mavis Silverscales’ general store while she visited
her sister’s family in the next town, and every other
Fourthday he watched little ones while the Goldenbough
Town Council convened and the book club met at the library.
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He was paid when it could be afforded, or else rewarded in
goods or food. His kitchen cupboards never lacked, and just
last week Hilbet Surecast sent her boys to wash his windows.
It was not a way of life he’d sought out, exactly. It just
seemed to happen. Chamomile went nearly a year without
giving thought to regular employment, too busy with his
schedule of favors to realize that he didn’t have such a
position or, particularly, a need for one.
One day, as Mavis wrapped up his bundle of soap and yarn
and paper, purchased with credit she’d given for help around
the shop, he paused, and realized he could not recall the last
time he’d actually paid her, only that every time he reached
into his pocket she waved him off.
“I think hauling twenty sacks of potatoes around last
Fifthday well covers this, Cham,
” she would say, or
something like it, on every occasion. “Don’t worry about it.”
It was like that everywhere. Rheta Lightfood said “Psh!”
at the notion of coin for his basket of berries, citing his aid
clearing her attic the week before. Bertie Greenswitch
brought him coal for the third winter in a row, and when
asked, said it was repayment for mending his fishing nets
every spring.
It was hardly to be believed. There was a part of
Chamomile that waited for this precarious balance he’d
struck to falter, for a need to arise that couldn’t be filled in
this manner, but time passed and such an event never came.
He made his way helping people in town, and
unconventional though it was, he was supported.
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