A Soul to Revive by Opal Reyne EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Author: Opal Reyne
- Language: English
- Genre: Paranormal Demons & Devils Romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 3.8 MB
- Price: Free
Run, we have to run, Ingram thought, as he leapt over his kindred to duck
around a dense cluster of trees. Mist cloaked the surrounding area, so still
and peaceful, unlike their frantic panting and fogged breaths.
It was unusual for them to run from any fight. Together, they were an
unstoppable force of snapping fangs, slicing claws, and frightening roars.
He glanced at Aleron, whose bat skull turned – as though they shared a
desire to look upon each other.
They both knew the truth. There are too many of them.
It had started with only two or three Demons, but over the hours the fight
ensued, more had come. They’d killed a number of the shadowy creatures
in the hours they had been hunted, and had long ago succumbed to their
darkest and most erratic thoughts.
It became too much.
Rivulets of dried blood stuck to the scales of Ingram’s neck and chest
from when he’d been severely wounded. Although he was perfectly fine
now, despite the deep wound still gaping, it’d been what shocked him out of
his enraged mind frame.
When he’d cowered in fear, with a wall of Demons in front of him, his
kindred had mirrored his behaviour. Like they were sharing their fear, pain,
and a conscience, they both ran.
Ingram was slower. He’d lost blood, and he was more injured than his
kindred. His strength wasn’t at its normal capacity.
Aleron never left his side.
His panic-stricken heart gave a warm pang for his kindred whenever he
dropped back to keep pace with him. Even though Ingram was limping, and
the deep impact of his hand hitting the firm ground caused him to whine, he
was never left behind.
The middle of the night had long passed, and dawn was beginning to
colour the sky. He couldn’t see the change through the dense canopy of
thick brush, but dew was evaporating all around him and the familiar tang
of it infiltrated the nose holes of his raven beak.
It smelt like morning.
Ingram knew where they were heading, even though neither had spoken
of it.
Merikh’s cave is not much further.
Out of all the Mavka they’d met, Merikh was their least favourite.
Fortunately though, his home was close, since they were in the southeast of
the Veil – whereas the other Mavka were all northwest. His glowing red
protective ward would still be in place, even though he’d disappeared.
He always disappears.
We will be safe there.
They could recuperate. Could heal. Could figure out where they wanted
to go once the chaos had died down.
Ingram looked up when white swooped into his sight.
The Witch Owl.
Currently, she flew over them in her human-sized, white owl form.
Though their sprint through the forest was sporadic and unpredictable, she
continued to fly above them.
All throughout the night, she’d been there.
Neither knew why she was following them, nor why she had eventually
fought alongside them in her human form.
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