Blood Red Rose by Kaci Rose EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Kaci Rose
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2.3 MB
- Price: Free
These have to be the most disgusting people on the face of the earth. To
think that they’re about to be my in-laws makes me uneasy. Though I
don’t know what the hell my dad was thinking. My parents have done so
much for me, but they aren’t the typical mafia family.
I was allowed to go to college and get a degree before I was married off,
which is almost unheard of in our circles. But my dad wanted to make sure
that I was smart enough to help take over anything that needed to be
managed in the event that my husband or my father died. While Mom is
great at hosting parties, she does not have a head for the business end, and
he worries about what will happen to her. At least, that’s the story I was
The marriage is supposed to strengthen my family. It’s what mafia
princesses do and what I knew would happen from day one. When they
asked me to do this, it was hard to say no to my parents because I hit the
jackpot with my family. They truly care about me and want me to be happy.
Anything I have ever wanted, like being able to go to college, they have
given me.
My dad, who I can only imagine how busy he is, has never missed an event
in my life. They love me unconditionally and have tried to give me as
normal of a childhood as possible within the mafia world. At the same time,
they trained me to protect myself and learn how to run a family like ours.
They wanted to make sure I had friends and knew what the world truly was.
“Are you even paying attention to a word I’m saying? Or are you off
daydreaming again?” my fiancé Eric asks.
“This is why girls don’t need to go to college. It gives them too many ideas
to think and daydream about,” his dad chuckles.
I don’t even have to answer because they’re going to carry on the
conversation no matter what I say. Looking over at my dad who has a
strained smile on his face, I can see that it’s the kind of smile that he gives
when he’s upset about something or when he’s severely disappointed in
someone. Growing up, I’ve only been on the receiving end of that smile a
few times, but that was enough.
This also isn’t the first time my fiancé and his family have made cracks
about me going to college. It’s a familiar topic that my father overindulged
me and that women didn’t need to be thinking for themselves, so there was
no point in me going to college.
I know my parents, and they have to be second-guessing this arrangement. I
can see it in their eyes. Right now, they’re trying to stay calm, as blowing up
would only cause war, and so would backing out of this contract.
Throughout dinner, I don’t say another word. Keeping my head down, I still
make it clear to my parents that I’m paying attention to everything they
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