Bookishly Ever After by Mia Page EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Mia Page
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
The date isn’t going well.
Not that Lexi is surprised. Do they ever go well, really?
It started going wrong when she arrived at the bar, red-faced and sweating
a little under her thick winter coat, and – horror of horrors in this town full
of overachievers – four minutes late. And when the guy – Chad, Tom,
Randy, whatever this one is called – finally stops talking about himself, his
day, his commute, his Very Important Job, his choice of drink, Lexi’s
lateness is the first thing he chooses to comment on. Obliquely, of course.
So that it doesn’t seem rude. But he and Lexi both know better.
‘Busy day?’ he asks.
Lexi opens her mouth to defend herself, but she already knows from those
two words and the slightly disparaging tone in which they’re uttered exactly
how this conversation is going to go.
‘Actually, yes,’ she says, after a deep breath and an internal count to ten.
‘My days are all busy.’
Chad/Tom/Randy does the quizzical eyebrow thing people always do
when she says things like this, i.e. when she says anything that implies that
owning a bookshop is not all sunshine and puppy dogs, perching on high
stools at artisanal coffee shops with a paperback open in front of her.
Lexi catches the bartender’s eye to order what has become an emergency
‘My meeting with my accountant overran,’ she tells Chad/Tom/Randy,
which, while it’s true, is not the reason she’s late. The reason she’s late is
that Layla – one of her favourite customers – was looking for a new thriller
to take on holiday, and what was she supposed to do? Just leave her there to
browse with no help or guidance, when Lexi knew a book that is perfect for
her had just arrived, in long-awaited paperback?
’Cause that’s a hard pass.
And then, when she started chatting about her latest five-star read, was
Lexi supposed to hold her hand up, interrupt her, and say, ‘I’m terribly
sorry, but I have to stop talking to you about books because I’m meeting
some random dude from one of the useless apps and it’ll probably turn out
to be a giant waste of everybody’s time, but I’m going to choose to
prioritise him over you right now?’
Again, no.
You might be surmising from all of this that perhaps Lexi isn’t giving
Chad or Tom or Randy a fair chance. Perhaps she’s misread his tone, and he
isn’t being patronising at all, and she is just letting the nine thousand other
dates she’s had with DC dudes and their overinflated egos colour this
experience, and Chad or Tom or Randy doesn’t deserve it.
Well, maybe.
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