Broken SEAL’S Secret Baby (BILLIONAIRE PROTECTORS: THE LANES SERIES) by Vivy Sky EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Vivy Sky
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
Why am I here again? I don’t know Charles Winthrop Emory very well.
He’s my brother’s best friend.
And I didn’t know his wife, other than to greet her when she dropped her
daughter off and picked her up at Bit o’ Heaven Preschool where I’m the
education director.
This is a wet, miserable day when you should not even expect a duck to be
out, yet here I am with my favorite pupil, attending her mother’s funeral.
It is March 25, of 2020 and Emily Jean Emory (say that ten times fast) is
dead. By all accounts she was excellent at her work. She was the head nurse
at a local hospital and was well thought of by other nurses who brought
their children to Bit o’ Heaven.
Her daughter was and is a well-adjusted child who happily said good-bye to
her mother and was equally happy to be picked up and go home with her.
She was just as pleased to go home with her father, when he returned from
his duties, and took his turn collecting his child.
Emily didn’t need to work. Charles Emory, the CEO of Agri-Oil was as rich
as Croesus. I know this because my brother, James Bailey, was acting CEO
while Charles was deployed. James had wanted to be an architect. He had
an abiding interest in sustainable building that made its own energy,
provided food, and recycled waste in as nearly a closed loop as human
homes could manage.
It was not his fault that he’d graduated when construction experienced an
extreme slowdown, or that his dream was viewed as being kind of crazy.
When Charles came home to stay, he could have put James out of a job.
Instead, he made my brother his CFO, and added purchasing and several
other duties that didn’t make a lot of sense to me. But it seemed to suit both
of them.
There were a lot of things that didn’t make sense to me. I knew several
women who would have loved to stay home with their children. Economic
constraints dictated that they must work.
It was for the sake of those mothers, fathers, and guardians that I wanted to
go into child care as a business. Bit o’ Heaven was a good daycare and
preschool that went above and beyond essentials. But I’d worked for
several, before I landed my current position, where the management put
making money ahead of the children’s welfare.
Cece seemed to take her mother’s going to work in stride. It was just the
way things were. She did visit me in my office a little more often than some
of the other children. She was curious and inventive – traits that didn’t
always go over well with some of the other teachers.
Naptime seemed to be an exceptional trial for everyone involved. I enjoyed
Cece but tried not to show it. When you work with groups of students, it
doesn’t go over well to have favorites – even if I was fond of her.
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