Dexterity Check (DADDIES OF THE SHADOWS #6) by Katherine McIntyre EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Katherine McIntyre
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 3.3 MB
- Price: Free
Arjun was going to be washing glitter off his body for the next century.
Fucking theme nights.
As much as he appreciated the way they brought in extra clientele with
extra dollars, they also involved extra effort. And after a full shift in the
kitchen at Tabletop Tavern and then a night shift here at the Lighthouse, he
stood upright on caffeine alone. If he downed another Monster, he was pretty
sure his heart would explode.
He finished the last rotation on the stage, tossing in an extra shimmy
before striding off. Hoots and hollers followed him, along with the heavy
thump, thump, thump of the pulsing music. The lights had been glaring in his
face, bright enough that he was blinking stars while he headed off stage. Arjun
began tugging the dollars from his G-string, over-fucking-stuffed after the hot
number he’d just done on the stage, shaking his ass to goddamn Aqua—he’d be
hearing Europop in his sleep.
The Lighthouse brought all the boys—and sometimes bachelorette parties
—to the yard, but the stripping shifts also paid the bills a hell of a lot better
than working as a chef did.
“Your turn on,” Arjun called out as he passed Benny, who’d already stepped
into his fireman outfit. He clapped a hand on the guy’s shoulder, and Benny
gave him an up nod. Arjun might be more of the slender twink variety, which
got him plenty of attention, but Benny was built like a fucking tank, and the
crowds loved it.
A few of the guys were in the middle of either costume changes or catching
a breath, the soft lights easier on the eyes. The dressing room always filled with
the bustle of chaos, but he liked that out of the jobs he worked—wading
through the noise until he collapsed at the end of the day.
Jeri stepped in, looking professional in her suit and tight ponytail with the
under shave. Managing a strip club was an intense job, but if ever there was a
woman for it, she could terrify everyone into submission. With love, of course.
Arjun stepped over to his bag slumped on the floor instead of hung up like
most of the guys. He’d never claimed to be clean. Or organized.
“I’m pretty sure they can see you from space with how much you’re
sparkling right now,” Kyle called over from his seat in front of the mirror. He
was already working on oiling his abs, so the fucker had no room to talk.
Arjun lifted his middle finger in response. “Pretty sure they can see your
ass from space without the extra help.”
“Ouch,” Kyle said, a grin rising to his lips. “Would you say it’s my best asset?”
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