Endless Obsession (KING OF RUIN #3) by Julia Sykes EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Julia Sykes
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
Gunfire popped around me in a deafening, staccato beat. Carmen was
shouting something at me, but I couldn’t focus on the words. All I
could see was the blood staining Evelyn’s gold dress, blooming on
the pale fabric like a gory rose.
For a moment, my mother’s frail, broken body shimmered before me,
layering over the waking nightmare. Her blood had spilled over her
sunshine yellow dress, and her caramel eyes had been wide with horror as
the light faded from them.
My violent impulses had led to her death—if I hadn’t tried to join the
gang, the boys wouldn’t have been provoked into terrorizing my parents.
Now, my fragile little butterfly was bleeding out in my arms. Because
I’d trapped her in my violent world and refused to let her go. She’d told me
so many times that she wanted to return to the safety of her mundane life in
Albuquerque. But I’d selfishly kept her against her will and coerced her into
staying, manipulating her with ruthless pleasure.
“Evelyn…” I murmured her name over and over again, but her eyes
remained closed, her face disturbingly serene. The beautiful pink flush that
I loved so much had drained from her pale cheeks, her light dusting of
freckles standing out in sharp relief against her porcelain complexion.
The gunfire slowed, the shots becoming more infrequent. Whoever had
been firing an automatic weapon from the ground floor of Stefano’s club
must’ve run out of ammo or been killed. His men were still shooting from
the mezzanine level, mowing down whoever was left from the assault team.
Los Zetas had been fools to think they could take on Stefano Duarte in his
own home, no matter how brutal their tactics.
Panicked shouts sounded from below, rapid fire Spanish curses and
shouts to retreat.
“I want at least one of them alive,” Carmen barked, the cold cartel
queen thirsty for vengeance. Stefano was at her side, both of them hovering
near us. He caged his wife in a protective embrace. His body shielded hers,
the gun in his hand held as naturally as an extension of his arm.
“Call the doctor!” she instructed him. “Evelyn was hit.”
My heart twisted at the panic-stricken words. The woman I loved had
been shot. Her breaths were shallow, the pulse at her throat weak and
I loved Evelyn. I loved her, and now she might die.
Everyone I’d ever loved had been murdered. Because of me.
The fight was over, but the ruined club hadn’t gone quiet. A car horn
blared from downstairs; Los Zetas had rammed their way through the
entrance with an armored SUV, and the wrecked vehicle wailed in protest.
Glass crunched beneath the quick footsteps of Stefano’s guests as they
scrambled to capture their wounded enemies before they could flee. And the
deep pulse of the club music still thrummed through the darkened space.
Golden lights flashed over the blood-splattered dancefloor, a macabre
celebration of violence.
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