Hidden Games (HALLOWED SAINTS UNIVERSITY #1) by Brandy Silver EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Brandy Silver
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
Footsteps tapped toward my room, and the annoying beep from the
machine monitoring my heartbeat grew faster. For two days, I’d drifted
in and out of consciousness, and I wished I could stay asleep. I couldn’t
even face the handful of friends from the University of Tennessee at
Chattanooga who’d come by to check on me.
I didn’t want to talk to anyone or have their questioning gazes weighing
on me as they wondered but didn’t ask what happened.
My reality wasn’t worth remembering.
Not anymore.
Moisture burned my eyes, and the back of my throat constricted as I
fought to hold tears at bay. This wasn’t the time to cry. The beloved
Tennessee senator, Patrick McHale, was on his way to my hospital room.
Known for his work on Veteran’s Affairs and the US House Committee
on Transportation and Infrastructure, the senator had a picture-perfect life
with his Stepford-esque wife and cheerleading, charity-focused eighteenyear-old daughter. They were the equivalent of a Hallmark family.
Everything people aspired to be.
But not me. Not anymore. All I wanted was for Mom and Dad to be
alive. To hear their laughter once again, to dance with Mom in the rain and
play board games with them while we laughed and accused each other of
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