Hurt So Good : a Dark Taboo Romance (Break So Soft Book 3) by Stasia Black – eBook Details Online
- Authors: Stasia Black
- Language: English
- Genre: Erotic Suspense
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
I stare over the rim of my glass of bourbon, watching the bombshell in the
red dress work the room.
She’s good, I’ll give her that.
She flirts just enough with the men—only the important ones, I note—a
touch of her hand on their shoulder, the brush of her hip, the flash of her
smile. She’s making them feel like they’ve gotten something from her but
then she moves on before they can really get a taste.
And the more I watch her, a taste is exactly what I want of the woman.
I don’t even know her name but my cock has been stiff for the last half
hour as I’ve nursed my bourbon and watched her.
This is a bullshit mixer the Silicon Valley Robotics Symposium puts on
every year, and it’s made exactly for this kind of shit. To encourage the
greasing of wheels that actually gets deals done. An open bar. A tight red
dress. A word or two in the right ear.
The hotel ballroom is dimly lit while a band plays soft, unremarkable
jazz on a small stage up front. Meanwhile, middle-aged men with flushed
faces laugh too loudly at jokes and are a little too obvious about their hopes
for getting laid. Because it’s a tech conference though, there are about two
guys to every woman, so their chances aren’t good.
And then there’s her. The woman in red.
I wonder what company the woman represents.
It doesn’t matter. You aren’t going to find out and you sure as fuck aren’t
getting a taste of her.
I frown and tip my glass back, draining the last of the bourbon. Don’t
know why the fuck I even stopped by here after my presentation. My
brother, Darren, kept saying I needed to at least show my face or it would
look rude after I gave the keynote speech. Considering he’s also my
business partner, I thought, fine, I’ll drop in for a few minutes and then get
the hell out of here.
Until I saw her.
Trouble is what she is. Trouble I don’t need.
Which is why you’re leaving. Right now.
I stand up and put the glass down on the bartop, then turn and—
Almost run straight into her. Her.
“Where you off to in such a hurry?” She flashes the same mega-watt
smile she gave every other guy in the room and my eyes narrow. She thinks
she’s gonna run her game on me? It’s insulting. Do I look like all the other
desperate fucks in here?
I ignore her and reach for my coat and umbrella, then I move again to
leave. I don’t step around her, though. I step into her and our bodies do
more than brush. We collide and I hear her quick intake of air as she rocks
back on her heels.
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