It Only Hurts at First by Allison Rogers EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Allison Rogers
- Language: English
- Genre: YA
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
My mom thought I was suicidal.
Maybe I was. Maybe there was a difference between wanting to die
and wondering if the ground would hurt from thirty stories up—hoping it
It was the minor inconveniences that set me off. Like having gym first
period, which made me want to swap my orange juice with lighter fluid. I
wouldn’t have minded as much if boys and girls were separate or if I wasn’t
a junior in a class full of seniors. Our required gym attire didn’t help either.
Unlike the baggy sweats the boys wore, our light orange booty shorts and
matching white T-shirts left little to the imagination.
I nudged my way into line on the indoor basketball court as Mr. Downs
huffed his way toward me. He wasn’t the best representation of health and
wellness with his monstrous beer belly and constant wheezing, but I guess it
was only high school.
“Alice Matthews,” he heaved, rolling his bulging eyes when he reached
me. “How many times do I have to tell you? That sweatshirt is not part of
the required uniform.”
The group of girls closest to me snickered, but I bit my lip and tried to
ignore them. “I’m sorry, Mr. Downs, but I’m freezing.” I tried to sound
confident, but my voice was small and weak.
“From now on, every time you wear that sweatshirt, I’m docking a point
from your grade.”
“That’s fine.” I wasn’t taking my sweatshirt off even if he threatened to
fail me.
He rolled his eyes again and continued down the line. He always
threatened to dock points from me but never did. It would have meant extra
effort on his part, and if there was one thing Mr. Downs hated, it was extra
He gave a brief explanation of his expectations for a full-court
basketball game before splitting us into two teams and sitting his lazy ass
on the sidelines. As usual, all the athletes somehow landed on the same
team. Gym class wasn’t competitive for them; it was a form of sheer
A few of my teammates always tried, and though it was
humiliating to watch, I admired their determination. They ran around in
circles, sweating and shooting the rest of us dirty looks, but we weren’t the
problem. The problem was they had two left feet, and while we all went
home after school, our opponents drew crowds at their sports games.
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