Kami Academy by B.A. Schummer EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Author: B.A. Schummer
- Language: English
- Genre: Children’s Scary Stories
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
Run Boy Run
Sam knew that no matter how fast he ran, he could not outrun his demons.
The only way to defeat them was to confront them head-on with an
unwavering will and unyielding determination.
In an ironic twist, Sam’s only option to beat them meant running—or
rather racing—them. Mind you, his demons were not literal demons but a
sibling pair named the Schmidt brothers. Beating the Schmidt brothers fair
and square in a parkour race, with the grand prize of €1,000 on the line, was
Sam’s last-ditch effort to beat them and escape the place he had reluctantly
called home.
Sam bounced on the balls of his feet, trying to keep his muscles warm.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw the Schmidt brothers glaring at him.
Their ice-blue eyes, so different from his own green ones, were usually
narrowed on him. If they weren’t stealing his few belongings or shoving
him into the walls of their shared orphanage, then they were constantly
reminding Sam that nobody wanted a teenager of mixed German-Asian
heritage like him. And then there was his snow-white hair, as much a part of
him as his pulse, serving as a bright beacon that only added to his otherness.
Sam took a deep breath and moved into the aisle of the subway train.
Just one more stop, and then the race for his future would begin.
The brothers’ glare settled on Sam’s back, persistent and bothersome
like an annoying fly he couldn’t swat away. While their usual taunts
bothered him a lot, in that moment, Sam felt an odd sense of peace, as if
he’d become immune to the incessant buzzing of the brothers’ disdain. One
way or another, this would be the last time he saw them.
Despite the orphanage being the only place he’d ever known as home,
the hardships he had to go through reached a boiling point for Sam, fueling
a burning desire to leave. The merciless bullying and thievery from the
Schmidt brothers had reached new heights, with their latest addition of
physical violence pushing him to his limits.
Staying at the orphanage was no longer an option. The thought of
enduring another day in that hostile environment was unbearable. To Sam,
even the streets held more promise than staying put.
The previous week had been the last straw. Sam had returned from
downtown, when the Schmidt brothers pushed him to the ground and into a
small puddle of dirty water. While one held him down, the other stole his
only good pair of running shoes.
Sam hated bullies and swore then and there that he would never let
himself get pushed around by the brothers or any other bullies again.
A victory in today’s race was a beacon of hope for Sam, a chance to
break free from the constraints of his life. This race was more than just a
thrill—it was his chance at a better life.
When the Berlin Parkour Circuit announced the surprise competition a
few days ago, excitement erupted in the parkour community. Social media
was abuzz with rumors of mysterious benefactors, the exact location of the
racetrack, and professional sponsorships.
This race promised to be unlike any other, with a hefty grand prize up
for grabs: €1,000.
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