Lace Puck (PUCK DADDY ACADEMY #2) by Zack Wish EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Zack Wish
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 5.4 MB
- Price: Free
‘I’m the cutest boy on ice,’ Tommy giggled, twirling around his
makeshift fashion runway in nothing but a pair of perfectly frilly, highcut panties.
Tommy had the physique of an elite young athlete and the fun-loving
nature of the sassiest, most mischievous Little. With his slender but
muscular upper body fully on display and his athletic legs
emphasized by the high cut of the panties, Tommy did indeed look
quite perfect. And with his surroundings complimenting his Little
fashion show, it was quite the scene.
And with his green eyes, perfectly dimpled cheeks, and choppy lightbrown hair, Tommy could have passed for a runway model if it wasn’t
for the fact he had the thighs and quads of a hockey player.
Tommy might only have been living in the apartment a short while,
but he had already made it feel like the perfect home for a Little.
Alongside his roommate and fellow new Ice Bear Olivier, Tommy had
turned the plush two bedroom penthouse into the kind of colorful,
safe, and happy home that was perfect for playdates and plenty of
Tommy Jane was twenty-one years old and determined to make
things work out at the Ice Bears. Having fought his way back from a
potentially career-ruining injury a year ago, Tommy knew that he had
to grab his second chance at a career with both hands – and if that
meant going through the Ice Bears new academy system, then that
was what he was going to do.
Of course, it wasn’t exactly orthodox. But Tommy knew that nothing at
the Ice Bears could be compared to any other team in the league.
The mafia involvement of the Doni family was one thing to wrap his
head around, but it was the culture of Daddies and Littles in the
squad that truly made Tommy sit up and take note.
Tommy might have been young, free, and single, but he knew that a
Daddy in his life would make sure that he kept on the right path. He
knew all too well about what could happen if he fell in with the wrong
crowd again. During his long injury absence, Tommy had blown his
chance of a new contract with his old team as a result of way too
much partying and being led astray by the kinds of people who didn’t
actually give a damn about him.
It wasn’t that Tommy was a bad person. But ever since his school
days he had been someone who could be influenced by the wrong
type of character. Typically, all it took was a charismatic bad boy to
find his way into Tommy’s life and everything would be in danger of
falling apart in no time. Hockey had kept Tommy on track and away
from such influences for a long time, but when he got injured, it was a
different story.
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