Layla Meets Her Match (LA RAYS #2) by Ranee S. Clark EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Ranee S. Clark
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
I place a bright red block, this one with the number two on each of its sides,
on top of the tower I’m creating with my eight-month-old daughter Margot.
She claps and giggles when I move to pick up another one. This is our
tallest tower today. Seven blocks. I know it doesn’t seem like much, but
when Margot knocks them down almost as fast as I can stack, it’s an
I reach for another block, this one green and with the number seven, and
try to hold back a smile as I carefully add it to the tower. If I laugh, Margot
gets excited and down goes the tower.
“We’ve made the world record!” I say, tempering my excitement a little.
Margot claps and bounces, leaning toward the tower, but she lets it stay
intact for now. I keep an eye on her as I grab another block.
She leans forward onto her hands, coming very close to the tower. I’m
pretty sure this is the end.
Yep. She swipes at it with a pudgy hand, sending blocks scattering
across the floor of the living room. I let out all the laughter I’ve been
holding back, and Margot echoes my laugh. I reach over and scoop her into
my arms, unable to resist kissing her chubby cheeks any longer.
The front door swings open, and my cousin Landon walks in, holding
hands with his fiancée, Mila Dash.
“Uh! Uh!” Margot calls to get their attention, holding her hands out.
We’ve lived with Landon since I brought her home from the hospital, and
he’s been the dad to her that she’s needed. Besides me, I think Landon is her
favorite person in the world. And some days that’s up for debate.
Mila responds immediately, of course. Given her obsession with my
adorable baby, she’s top three on Margot’s list. (Okay, who isn’t obsessed
with this amazing baby? I dare you to try to think of someone.) Grocery bag
in hand, Mila still makes a beeline straight for Margot rather than the
kitchen, where Landon has gone to put away the groceries from the bags he
carried in.
Mila bends over. “Hello, sweet doll,” she coos, planting her own kiss on
Margot’s cheek. “I’ll come back for you,” she promises when Margot still
reaches for her. “I have to help Landon with dinner.”
She goes to the kitchen, smiling at Landon as she slides past him and
sets her one grocery bag on the counter. I snuggle Margot closer, watching
them move around the kitchen together. There’s an ease to this, like it’s
almost a dance, as though they can sense the exact location of the other.
They’re perfect for each other, and they wouldn’t be together if it weren’t
for me.
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