Love Beyond the Illusion by M.J. Huxley EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: M.J. Huxley
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
Tucking my arm underneath the silk pillowcase, I roll over to the
sound of my New York hookup snoring next to me. I stare at
Landon’s three-hundred-dollar haircut, square jaw, and alluring lips and
wonder why I’m not more attracted to him.
The lack of moving air from a ceiling fan and the absence of the hum of
an air conditioner leave a dense silence in the room. My overactive thoughts
flip through the events of my childhood, how I grew up, and the choices
I’ve made as an adult. It doesn’t matter how old I get. They still seem to
follow me.
Landon is getting married in a month. Despite knowing this, I showed up
tonight as if nothing had changed. A guy engaged normally wouldn’t bother
me. I mean, it’s his choice to continue sleeping with me, right? I’m not the
one who’s committed to someone else.
When we returned to the suite he booked, a wave of guilt rolled over me.
I couldn’t do it. And no matter how much of my mother is in me, I’m still
part me as well.
I let my eyes trace the features of Landon’s face while thinking about the
wife he’s about to have. She’ll wake up to this view every morning. I’m not
surprised when envy isn’t the emotion that strikes, and that’s because I also
feel pity. My pity isn’t only on her behalf because I doubt she’s completely
in the dark. It’s for their future children and those who will come from his
possible affairs. Landon mentioned his impending nuptials during a casual
conversation over dinner. I sat across from him with my wine glass empty
and my thoughts full, unsure how to answer his question.
Am I that person?
As a flight attendant, I fly in and out of New York City so often that
Landon and I could easily keep this going like the last few months.
Suddenly, the thought of lying in bed next to him makes the hairs on the
back of my neck stand up. Where is his fiancée? Where did he tell her he’d
be tonight?
I’ve got to get the hell out of here.
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