Masked Only His by C.C. Lopez EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: C.C. Lopez
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
AS I SAT THERE LOOKING at the professor’s desk at the front of the
auditorium, where he was standing behind it and writing out today’s lesson
on the whiteboard, the air was filled with the aroma of mixed perfume.
Slouching in my chair, my eyes wandered around the room, swiftly darting
from each classmate below me.
I always sat at the top of the row alone. My
fear consumed me to the point where even sitting at the front of the class
was terrifying. And I’m sure the other students thought I was completely
insane because the dark circles beneath my amber eyes revealed that I
hadn’t slept peacefully in ages. The nightmares of that night haunted me like
the plague.
But I couldn’t hide from life forever, and I knew it. The fear I felt wasn’t
going to disappear on its own. With a deep breath, I lifted my head and
looked around the slowly filling classroom. A thousand thoughts raced
through my mind, each worse than the last.
Shuffling feet caught my attention from the rambling in my head. A man
sat beside me, glanced in my direction, and made eye contact despite my
hood covering most of my face. His inky eyes squinted under his ball cap as
if he was contemplating whether my choice to wear a hood in the class
indicated insanity or was merely a result of the cold weather.
I shifted uncomfortably, unsettled by his demeanor. The man’s extensive
collection of tattoos caught my attention; they covered nearly every inch of
his skin, including his neck. His keen gaze darted about the room without a
thought of subtlety.
A well-defined chest filled the V of his white t-shirt, and
tattoos surrounded him. He never once smiled, instead peering at me with a
gaze that set me on edge. My eyes moved up to his thick arms, encircled by
more tattoos, and then to his hands poised over a piece of paper on the
What the hell was he even here for?
His career path seemed to be already mapped out, perhaps as an MMA
fighter, personal trainer, or spy. But the question still remained: what would
his role as a spy involve within a university setting?
I ignored the questions running through my mind, including why he
chose to sit next to me when plenty of other desks were available in our
small class.
As the class was about to end, I could feel his gaze on me again, but I
avoided it. Although I tried my best to stay clear od male figures, even
professors, after that night, the male species seemed drawn to me like a
moth to a flame.
But the situation only got worse once the entire campus
saw the video, which put my rape out there for all to see. Despite my cries
and pleas for help, I was the one branded as a whore, while those
responsible for recording the video and committing the heinous act
remained unaffected.
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