Princes of Chaos by Angel Lawson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Author:Angel Lawson
- Language: English
- Genre:Gothic Romances
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
I’ the boundary into East End that does it. Lots of
students go into East End, which has the best shops in Forsyth, plus, every
kingdom has its more neutral spaces closest to the campus. I wring my
hands into my sweatshirt–DKS emblazoned on the front–but feel mostly
fine. Aside from the fancy luxury car, whose driver I don’t even know, it
could be any other outing to the pristine streets of Ashby’s kingdom.
It doesn’t really hit me until the car approaches the bridge.
The water is murky, dark, and perfectly still, reflecting the afternoon
sun like a mirror as we cross it. Part of me is fascinated, wanting to press
my face to the glass and soak in the details. The Princes live in a sprawling
estate. It’s tucked away on the outskirts of their territory, the most eastward
thing in Forsyth, and it’s completely surrounded by brackish water. I could
probably count the West End girls who’ve been invited here on one hand,
and for good reason. The Princes are the enemy, and I don’t belong here.
On an actual fucking island.My phone dings just then, reminding me that I’m not really alone. It’s
not my actual phone–I’d left that behind, just in case. This is one Story
smuggled to me just for this purpose, and it only has two contacts.
C: You there?
Vivarium: Going over the bridge now.
Chrysalis: Keep us in the loop!
Instar: Don’t take any bullshit. Remember who your King is.
S panic falls away at Lavinia’s reminder. She’s right. I may be
in East End, but I have the power of the DKS frat behind me. The cutsluts.
The Dukes, including Simon Perilini, their new King. Not to mention two
Queens. The Monarchs.
I put my phone away to keep focused on my surroundings. Seeing the
large, ornate Victorian mansion rising in the distance, I straighten my back
and remain alert, eyes scanning the property. It’s surrounded by a fence, and
the car comes to a stop at an enormous, wrought-iron gate. Both gates have
an intricate letter “P”, but they’re mirrored so that one is backwards, andeveryone knows what they stand for. After a moment of stillness, the gates swing open, and as the car crawls
through, I see a whole bank of cameras pointed at us.
I begin gnawing at my thumbnail. The Lady hadn’t mentioned it being
this heavily surveilled, but who knows? Tonight is the Royal masquerade,and just like Friday Night Fury, it’s open to any Forsyth elite, no matter
which kingdom they’re from. Security will be heightened.
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