Summer Fridays by Suzanne Rindell EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Suzanne Rindell
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 3.7 MB
- Price: Free
When her eyes catch on the little clock on the far wall beyond her
desk, she realizes it’s already ten past noon.
She gets a sudden urge: she wants to take her bag lunch outside and eat
it in the park. This seems wrong, to a certain extent—but then, everything
seems wrong lately. Every time she scans the newspaper headlines or opens
her email, she reads of another event canceled. It seems that no one feels
right doing anything but staying home and feeling not right.
She glances at the clock again, and makes up her mind. She wants to be
reminded of things that are simple: Trees. Sky. Birds. Squirrels. Bench. The
way the park path bends around a big brownish-gray boulder. Things that
haven’t changed, in a time when it feels like everything will never be the
From her office, it is a short walk to the southwest corner of Central
Park. There are fewer people out than there would normally be in midSeptember. No drummer guy merrily tapping away on his plastic buckets,
no flower guy with the blue roses, ink stains on his fingers. But there are
still a couple of snack vendors hunched over the stainless steel carts that are
their livelihood, looking guilty for selling hot dogs. A handful of people
dressed in office attire, clutching giant pretzels and cans of diet soda. Even
a few joggers intent on a return to normalcy.
She walks a little bit of the way into the park—just to the bend in the
path she was longing to see—and finds a bench in the shade.
People pass by. A middle-aged woman pushing a stroller. A man
walking a golden retriever with reddish-tinged fur. An off-duty doorman
smoking a cigarette, sweating under his heavy uniform.
After a while, two girls come along and settle into the opposite end of
the bench, a polite distance away from her. She takes out a book and
pretends to read it, between bites of her lunch. Potato salad that she made
herself—extra dill. She eats the salad out of a Tupperware bowl with a
plastic spork from the office kitchen.
She listens to the girls talk. They are young. She is young, too—
probably only a few years older than them—but somehow they are youthful
in a way that makes her feel already slightly invisible.
So, just like that, he’s back in touch? one of them asks the other.
Yes, the first girl replies. He wrote a long email. I got it that night. It
was really sincere, actually.
He said the attacks made him think of you?
Well, yeah, I mean—in a roundabout way. He said it just put things in
perspective. Made him think about what’s important.
Ah. So: you, the friend says in an approving voice.
I guess so, the girl replies.
Will you get back together?
I don’t know, the girl says. We might.
Hmm, the friend says.
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