Tease Me (FALLEN BRETHREN MC #4) by Erin Osborne EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Erin Osborne
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
MY SISTER, NEPHEW, and I have been in Clinton City for a few weeks
now. I go to the warehouses to see my sister and Gideon every single day.
So far, my sister isn’t making any progress on coming out of her shell and
getting past this latest attack from Martin. It breaks me to see her as nothing
more than a shell of her former self, but there’s nothing I can do to help her.
When she’s ready to open up and let others in, she’ll let us know. At least
that’s what the counselor at the warehouses who sees her every day told me
when we met yesterday. My sister gave her permission to talk to me about
her progress and what the plan is for moving forward. Right now, there’s
not a lot to the plan because of my sister’s reluctance to come out of her
room and get out of bed each day. So, I do what I can to help her and spend
hours every day with Gideon. We don’t leave the safety of the warehouses,
but I’m still there for him and get him outside for a while each day while
enjoying lunch and dinner with him.
Today, I’m not going to the warehouses. Kelsey’s counselor let me
know that they’re going to try something very intense with my sister today
while starting Gideon in his own counseling at the same time so he’s not in
the room with his mom. So, I’ve been trying to find something to do at the
house Hawk and his club put me in. There’s really only so much I can do
when I literally have nothing with me other than a few changes of clothes.
The house I’m in is at the back of the clubhouse. It’s a single story home
with an open floor plan. Every room inside the house is painted in white
and all of the appliances are stainless steel and brand-new. The bed I have
to sleep in is the most comfortable thing I’ve ever slept in and I might have
to steal it when I can leave here. I’ve got three bedrooms, an office, a large
kitchen with an attached dining room, a large living room, and a laundry
room. There’s three bathrooms including the one in my bedroom and
everything is immaculate. I have hardly anything to clean so there’s really
nothing to do during the day.
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