The Plot Twist by Victoria Walters EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Victoria Walters
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 3.9 MB
- Price: Free
I was determined that my first day at Turn the Pages publishing company
would be as good as possible.
I had no idea that it would be a spectacular disaster.
Everything started out smoothly enough. I woke up before my alarm as
usual and got ready in the outfit I’d bought specially – a striped jumper,
black trousers and ballet pumps, which made me feel smart and chic.
Grabbing my handbag and my black blazer, I left my flat. I had plenty of
time to make the journey from Islington to my new place of work and for
once, the London weather was playing ball.
Autumn had wrapped itself over the city like an orange and gold
blanket, and I was very relieved I was starting my new job in this season. I
hated the stifling heat of summer in London. Autumn with its crisp sunny
mornings like this one and the way the city became lit up with colour, the
sounds of leaves crunching under my shoes, and the promise of evenings
curled up with a book, hot chocolate and scented candle, always made me
As I walked through the park near my flat, I could see in the distance
the university that I had, until recently, worked at. My good mood improved
further when I saw my best friend Liv waiting at the edge of the park, as
we’d arranged last night, waving two takeaway coffees at me.
‘The nectar of the Gods,’ I said gratefully when I reached her and took
the iced latte. I didn’t know how anyone could function in the morning
without one.
‘You need it for your first day,’ she replied with a smile.
If we were both book characters then Liv looked like Elizabeth Bennet,
with her dark hair and hazel eyes, whereas I resembled Alice in
Wonderland, with my long blonde hair and blue eyes, and the fact that I
always wore some kind of headband to keep it off my face. Today, I wore a
pearl one.
‘Stevie, you look lovely. Perfect first day outfit.’
Liv was much more of a fashionista than me so that made me smile.
‘Why, thank you.’
‘So, how are you feeling?’
We walked together towards the university where we had worked
together. But for the first time since we met, Liv would be opening up the
library and I would be heading in the opposite direction across London to
where my new office was.
‘Excited but nervous. It feels really strange to not be coming in there
with you,’ I said, nodding at the historic university building.
Liv grimaced. ‘I’m going to miss you like crazy.’
‘You won’t be here for much longer though,’ I said after I had taken a
sip of the coffee. Liv had written a fabulous romance novel and had landed
a literary agent for it so I was confident she’d have a book deal before long
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